Friday, December 14, 2018

2018 Holiday Office Hours

Just a reminder the Village Offices hours during the holidays:
  • Christmas Eve - (Monday, December 24): Closed all day
  • Christmas Day- (Tuesday, December 25): Closed all day
  • New Year's Eve- (Friday, December 31): Open 7:30-11:30, Closed 11:30-4:00
  • New Year's Day- (Tuesday, Jan. 1): Closed all day

Solid Waste Collection During the Holidays

Tuesday, December 25, 2018 or Tuesday, January 1, 2019
There will be no garbage or recyclables collected on Tuesday, December 25, 2018 or Tuesday, January 1, 2019 due to the Christmas and New Year’s Day Holiday.
NOTE: Monday’s collection will remain on Monday.
Garbage and recycling collection will be delayed by one (1) day for the days remaining in those weeks. Therefore, Tuesday’s collection will occur on Wednesday, Wednesday’s collection will move to Thursday and Thursday’s collection will move to Friday.
REMINDER: Put the garbage and recycling carts out at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on your pickup day.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

2019 Winter/Spring Dance

A combination class learning both tap and ballet skills & technique, then applying those skills into routines learned to fun music. Classes begin with tap and end with ballet. A stretch session is incorporated as part of the ballet section of class.
Session 1: January 8-April 16, 2019
• No class February 19, March 19, and April 2
Class 1: 3-4 year olds: 5:30-6:00p.m. FEE: $89 R/$100 NR
Class 2: 5-6 year olds: 6:05-6:50p.m. FEE: $95 R/$109 NR
Class 3: 7-12 year olds: 6:55-7:40p.m. FEE: $100 R/$114 NR
**Costume fee of $45 for 3-6 year old classes and $50 for 7-12 year old classes, has been added into program fees.**

Jazz and Hip-Hop dance have evolved considerably over the decades. This class will teach the core steps in the foundations of the style and then apply those into routines in some of the many variations available.
Session 1: January 17—April 11, 2019
• No class March 21
Class 4: Thursday Tap/Ballet 3-4 year olds: 5:30-6:00p.m. FEE: $89 R/$100 NR
Class 5: 7-12 year olds: 6:00-6:45p.m. FEE: $100 R/$114 NR
Class 6: 13-16 year olds: 6:50-7:35p.m. FEE: $100 R/$114 NR
**Costume fee of $45 for 3-6 year old classes and $50 for 7-12 year old classes, has been added into program fees.** 

Christmas at the Weidner Center

Join the Allouez Village Band on December 17th at the Weidner Center for "Once Upon a Time....Visions of Sugar Plums Danced In My Head". Their concert will feature your favorite Christmas songs. Their special guest soloists are Amanda Abegglen and Tim Olejniczak. 

Doors open at 6:00 and the concert starts at 7:00. 

They're also conducting a food drive for Paul's Pantry. If you would like to contribute, bring a non-perishable food item. Collection containers will be located in the theater lobby.
The concert is being sponsored by their friends at Bellevue Family Dentistry and it's because of their support that admission to the concert is free. 

Donations will be accepted after the concert and they thank you in advance for your continued support of the band.

More information: 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Resch Family East River Trail To Be Plowed In Allouez

The Village of Allouez is excited to announce that it is plowing the snow along the Resch Family East River Trail in Allouez this winter. The trail will be cleared from Green Isle Park south to Wiese Park for walking, jogging, or biking.  This will be a great opportunity for trail users to get outdoors during the winter and continue healthy recreational activities.

“ We look forward to keeping this great trail open for year round enjoyment by Village residents and other trail users this winter." said Chris Clark, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Forestry for the Village of Allouez.  “We hope to provide another opportunity for people to enjoy the great outdoors, especially during a time when we tend to be less active and stay indoors.”

The trail will be open for recreational purposes from 6 am to 10 pm however the trail is not lighted so extreme caution should be used during night-time hours.  Trail users should also be aware that surface irregularities and slippery conditions may exist during the winter due to the presence of some snow and ice.  
The Village parks department will continue to groom a cross country ski trail, as weather permits, between Kiwanis Park and Wiese Park.  This trail will be a two mile loop through some natural areas and open parklands along the East River.  Please refrain from walking on or otherwise damaging the ski trails.

Allouez Christmas Tree Exchange

The Village of Allouez will hold its annual Christmas tree exchange program on January 5th and January 12th from 11am—1pm.  Allouez residents can drop off their old Christmas tree at the LeBrun yard waste site (on LeBrun Street next to Wiese Park) in exchange for a coupon for a tree seedling.  The seedlings can be picked up at Village Hall in the spring.