Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Allouez Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Community Survey


It’s time to update the Allouez Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan for the next five years, and the Village would like input from our community regarding our park facilities, athletic fields, and recreation opportunities. Please let us know us what we are doing well, where we can improve, what amenities we are short on, and what you’d like to see in the future.

The Survey will be open until July 18th. We hope to hear from you!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

CORP Community Input Meetings July 26th & July 29th


Brush Pick-Up July 19th – 22nd

Brush Pick-Up: July 19-22nd


 Brush will be collected the week of July 19-22nd

(on your garbage day)

Brush is defined as trimmings from shrubs, trees, and stalks from garden plants (e.g., rosebush and bamboo). “Brush” does not include tree roots or root balls.

Brush must be placed at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on your garbage collection day or the night before.
– Brush stacks must not exceed 8’ in length and/or 6’ in depth
– Brush must be in stacks and aligned parallel to the curb (not in the street)
– Brush must be 4’ away from any structure (mailbox, trees, cars, etc.)
– Brush cannot be commingled with loose leaves, grass or garden waste. Brush comingled with yard waste WILL NOT be picked up.

DO NOT obstruct the street, gutter or sidewalk and DO NOT place adjacent to power poles or hydrants.

In areas where sidewalk is adjacent to the curb, brush shall be placed behind the sidewalk in stacks aligned parallel to the sidewalk, in such a manner as to not interfere with pedestrian use of the sidewalk.

Brush cut by contractors will not be collected by the Village.

Brush can also be brought to the LeBrun Yard Waste Site located on Le Brun Street (take East River Drive south towards De Pere. Le Brun Street is the last street in Allouez. Turn left (east) onto Le Brun Street and follow it to the gate.). Yard Waste Site is open 24/7.

NOTE: The Village hauls the brush to the Le Brun Yard Waste Site (Open 24/7) where it is chipped for use in Village playgrounds and tree planting. The chips are also made available to our residents. In order to do this, only “clean” brush that does not contain loose leaves, grass or garden waste can be used. Co-mingled brush needs to be disposed of resulting in additional hauling and disposal fees. The correct placement of the brush allows for an efficient and safe collection process. Your help in making this process work smoothly is greatly appreciated!

Correct Brush placement:

Keep Allouez blooming with the Allouez Beautification Committee


It wouldn’t be summer in Allouez without the flowers up and down Webster Avenue and the pots at the lights on Riverside Drive. The Allouez Beautification Committee is in its 26th year of raising the funds to purchase nearly 650 plants for what has become a colorful village tradition in partnership with Schroeder’s Flowers. 

Each year, the nonprofit, all-volunteer group counts on monetary donations from local residents and businesses to make the annual display possible. Contributions of any amount can be made at or by a check payable to ABC and sent to: US Bank, 1950 S. Webster Ave., Green Bay, WI 54301. 

ABC thanks its loyal supporters who so generously donate each year and welcomes new residents and first-time donors to be part of community pride at its blooming best. 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

2021 National Night Out


Date: Tuesday August 3
Time: 5pm-8pm
Location: Willow Creek Park (1800 Guns St.)

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, better places to live. Join the Brown County Sheriffs Department, the Villages of Bellevue & Allouez, and many other community-minded organizations for a night of fun and festivities. 

Activities include: Archery, Obstacle Course, Bounce House, K9 Unit, and more!
Night will end with a Movie in the Park – featuring Tom & Jerry starting at dusk.
**Sponsored by O.S.M.S

Friday, July 9, 2021

2021 Movies in the Park


Bring your family out for a movie under the stars. Don’t forget a blanket or chairs for seating.

**Due to COVID  we will not be selling concessions or providing activities prior to the movie this summer. We are also asking families to please socially distance while attending the movie. Most importantly stay safe and have fun.**

Friday, August 13: Sonic the Hedgehog

Thank you to our sponsor Kwik Tripour feature presentation will be Sonic the Hedgehog, rated PG!
Location: Green Isle Park Baseball Diamond
Time: Movie begins at dusk. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

2021 Henna Workshop

 Registration going on now!!!
Ages 9 & older (Under 13 should have an adult with them)
Instructor Amy Wilde is well versed in the henna arts and is certified via International Certification For Natural Henna Arts. The workshop will focus on the beautiful art of Henna, provide an explanation of what henna is and how it works, break down a typical henna kit, and show participants how to mix up henna to make a smooth paste for body art application. There will be instruction on how to do simple designs and how to do different applications, such as reverse and shaded designs. In the second part of the program participants will have the opportunity to practice on henna cones and design sheets. The class will be fun and interactive.
DATE: Monday, August 9
LOCATION: Green Isle Pavilion, (900 Greene Ave. Bldg. A)
FEE: $25 R/$30 NR
TIME: 5:30-8:00pm

Friday, July 2, 2021

Pets in Village Parks

The Village of Allouez Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department would like to remind all residents in Allouez of the rules and responsibilities of pet ownership.

We encourage the use Allouez parks and trails by families, including our the four legged members, but when doing so all pets must:

  • Be on a leash of not more than 6 feet in length
  • Under the owner's control at all times. 

There are a few areas in our parks where pets are still not allowed including:

  • Inside park buildings
  • On sport fields
  • Within playgrounds
  • Around picnic areas.
It is also the responsibility of the pet owner or custodian to immediately clean up all waste or defecation and properly dispose of it. The person walking the pet shall have in their possession equipment or bags to properly clean up all waste generated by the animal. Failure of a person to abide by these ordinances could result in a fine, loss of driver’s license, and /or jail time. 
In general we are reminding pet owners to control and clean up after their animal because it is not only the right thing to do, but it is also the law.
For more information about animals within the Village of Allouez please read Chapter 151 of the Allouez Code of Ordinances on the Village website at