Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Allouez Beautification Committee Kicks Off Annual Flower Fund Drive

It’s that time of year again when Webster Avenue and Riverside Drive come alive with flowers. The Allouez Beautification Committee is honored to once again present its annual display of colorful blooms in the flower beds and pots that make Allouez a special place to live and work.

ABC, a non-profit, all-volunteer group in its 24th season, depends on donations from local residents and businesses to cover the cost of these beautiful flowers each year. 

If you would like to help grow community pride in our village, please consider making a donation online at or by sending a check payable to: Allouez Beautification Committee, c/o U.S. Bank, 1950 S. Webster Ave., Green Bay, WI 54301. Any amount is welcome and most appreciated.

ABC thanks all of its loyal, longtime donors, new donors and the dedicated volunteers who weed the beds and keep the flowers looking their best all summer. It truly takes a village to support this project each year.

Don’t forget to follow Allouez Beautification Committee on Facebook for fundraising updates, photos of the Garden of the Month winners and more.  Enjoy the summer and the flowers!

Friday, June 14, 2019

2019 Pooches and Pints Summer Kick-off

Sponsored by: Allouez Animal Hospital
Date: Thursday June 13
Time: 4pm-8pm
Location: Green Isle Park

Come out and bring the whole family, even those furry four legged members, for a night at the park at our annual Pooches and Pints Summer Kick-Off event.

Sponsored by Green Bay and Allouez Animal Hospital, in partnership with Lucky 7 Dog Rescue, Laura & Peter Mossakowski Family Dog Park, and hosted by the Village of Allouez.

This event will include:
- Pop-Up Dog Park, where your pooches can run off leash at the park in a designated fenced in area
- Pet Vendors
- Raffles
- Live Music
- Food Trucks
- Local Beer/ Soda
- and so much more!!

2019 Senior Summer Picnic

Wednesday, June 26
Green Isle Pavilion- 900 Greene Ave
$17 per person ages 55+
This 2nd annual event is presented by the Allouez, Howard, & Suamico Recreation Departments. Come enjoy a relaxing evening in the Park, listen and dance to the live music by Talk of the Town, or socialize with family, friends, and neighbors.

Enjoy a picnic buffet with burgers, brats, & hot dogs and all the fixings! Door prizes, sponsored by Assisted Living by Hillcrest, will be given out to all, and raffle basket tickets will be sold.

For an accurate food count please register no later than Friday, June 21, 2019.

Allouez, Howard or Suamico residency not required, so please bring your friends!

4:15 Check-in
5:00 Dinner
Dancing to follow until 8:00 p.m 

Event sponsored by: 

Thursday, June 13, 2019

2019 Henna Workshop: June 25


These  workshops will focus on the beautiful art of Henna and explain what henna is and what it does to the skin and hair. Amy will break down a  typical henna kit and show participants how to mix up  henna to make a great smooth paste for body art application. There will be instruction on how to do simple designs, and give instructions on different applications.  
In the second part of the workshop, supplies will be passed out for participants to use on each other. Amy will also do a medium design on each participant. The class will be fun and interactive. Henna is a wonderful art  medium and it is an art form for everyone.

INSTRUCTOR: Amy Wilde, has been importing henna since 1997 and is well versed in the henna arts.  She is certified via International Certification For Natural Henna Arts and has taken many seminars and classes.

Date: Tuesday June 25
Location: Green Isle Park (900 Greene Ave.)

Ages: 9 & up (Under 13 should have adult present)
Fees: $21/R $26/NR
Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm 

Register Online at:

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

2019 Street Reconstruction – Project Schedule

This spring the Village of Allouez will begin reconstructing the following streets:
  1. Longview Ave. –Delahaut St. to Libal St.
  2. Oakwood Ave. – Greene Ave. to Allouez Ave.
  3. Oak Hill Dr. – Beaumont St. to Oakwood Ave.
  4.  Summit St. – Beaumont St. to Oakwood Ave.
  5. Martha Ave. – Dead End south 60 feet (New Construction) 
  6. St. Joseph St. - Riverside Dr. to Webster Ave.  

This reconstruction project includes:
  •  Replacement of the existing watermain, sanitary and storm sewer where necessary. 
  • Removal and replacement of existing water, sanitary and storm sewer laterals to the property line.
  • Placement of new concrete curb & gutter and driveway aprons.  The existing driveway width at the property line will be matched.
  •  Removal and replacement of the asphalt pavement. Installation of new sidewalk on Longview Ave (northside only) and St. Joseph St. (both sides).
  • Voluntary replacement of private side sanitary sewer lateral.

Longview Ave. – Delahaut St. to Libal St.

Weather permitting the anticipated project schedule is as follows:
  • Work to Begin – Middle of June
  • Substantial Completion Date – End of August

Project Status:

Work has not started.

Martha Ave. – Dead End south 60 feet (New Construction)

Weather permitting the anticipated project schedule is as follows:
  • Work Started – May 13th
  • Substantial Completion Date – End of August

The installation of underground utilities and laterals have been installed and are in service.  The contractor to hold off the grading of the roadway, placement of base aggregate, curb and gutter and pavement until after the basements of the abutting homes have been constructed. 

St. Joseph St. - Riverside Dr. to Webster Ave. 

Weather permitting the anticipated project schedule is as follows:
  • Work Stared– May 20th
  • Substantial Completion Date – Middle of September

Project Status (06/03/19):

Street closed to thru traffic.  Roadway (one lane) will be open for emergency purposes, businesses and residents during construction. 

With exception of the trunk-line storm sewer, the underground utilities and laterals are installed at the west end of the project.  This week the contractor will be renewing (removing and replacing) services and installing storm sewer from Riverside Drive to middle third of the project. 

Oakwood Ave. – Greene Ave. to Allouez Ave.

Weather permitting the anticipated project schedule is as follows:
  • Work to Begin – Beginning of July
  • Substantial Completion Date – Middle to end of October

Project Stutus:

Work has not started.

Oak Hill Dr. – Beaumont St. to Oakwood Ave.

Weather permitting the anticipated project schedule is as follows:
  • Work to Begin – Beginning to Middle of August
  • Substantial Completion Date – Middle to end of October

Project Stutus:

Work has not started.

Summit St. – Beaumont St. to Oakwood Ave.

Weather permitting the anticipated project schedule is as follows:
  • Work to Begin – End of July
  • Substantial Completion Date – Middle to end of October

Project Stutus:

Work has not started.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Miracle League Opening for 14th Season

Saturday June 1, marked the beginning of the 14th season of The Miracle League of Green Bay. The opening ceremony was held this morning at Optimist Park followed by the first game of the season between the Cubs and the Diamondbacks.
Looking forward to a great summer of Miracle League!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Smoke Free Parks

Smoking and use of electronic smoking devices is prohibited in all Village parks and trails per Article IV of Chapter 195 of the Village Code. Violators may be subject to municipal citations and fines.

Pets in Village Parks

The Village of Allouez Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department would like to remind all residents in Allouez of the rules and responsibilities of pet ownership.

Per Village Code 151-6 dogs and cats are not allowed within a village park or other village managed properties unless the pet is on the proper leash. All pets that are not on the owner’s property must be under the control of the owner or custodian and on a leash not more than six feet in length. There are a few areas in our parks where pets are still not allowed including inside park buildings, on sport fields, within playgrounds, and around picnic areas.

It is also the responsibility of the pet owner or custodian to immediately clean up all waste or defecation and properly dispose of it. The person walking the pet shall have in their possession equipment or bags to properly clean up all waste generated by the animal. Failure of a person to abide by these ordinances could result in a fine, loss of driver’s license, and /or jail time. 

In general we are reminding pet owners to control and clean up after their animal because it is not only the right thing to do, but it is also the law. For more information about animals within the Village of Allouez please read Chapter 151 of the Allouez Code of Ordinances on the Village website at


Benefits of Redeveloping the Green Bay Correctional Institution Site

Thank you to the students at St. Norbert College who put this brochure together illustrating the benefits of redeveloping the Green Bay Correctional Institution site.
This was one of the final projects for students in the Leadership Studies Capstone class where they were tasked with addressing a public problem in Brown County.

Monday, June 3, 2019

2019 Summer Pickleball Classes

Learn safety; the Game; Rules; Fundamentals, including stance, grip, forehand and backhand strokes and how to serve; start playing a game to learn court positioning At this stage, you have been exposed to basic aspects of the game and rules and can begin to play at the neighborhood / social level.
Class Taught by:  
When: Wednesdays & Fridays
  • Session 3: July 17-August 16
    • Time: 9:00am-10:30am
Location: Kiwanis Park (3517 East River Dr.)
Age: 18 years and up
Cost:  $60 Residents/$75 Non-Residents