Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Pooches & Pints Summer Kick-Off



Thursday June 16th from 4pm-8pm at Green Isle Park

Come out and bring the whole family, even those furry four legged members, for a night at the park at our annual Pooches and Pints Summer Kick-Off event.

This event will include:
  • Pop-Up Dog Park, where your pooches can run off leash at the park in a designated fenced in area
  • Live Music
  • Food Trucks
  • Local Breweries
  • Soda

Don’t forget to bring these items with you, along with your dog!
  • Human I.D. (for adult human beverages)
  • Dog leash (for outside of the fenced area)
  • Clean-up bags (for our four-legged messes)
  • Cash (for food and drinks)

Monday, June 13, 2022

Interested in Serving on a Committee, Board or Commission?



Applications are being accepted. Click here for application.


Economic Development Committee: meets the 1st Friday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at the Allouez Village Hall. This Committee will act as an advisory committee to the Village Board and staff for the continual improvement of the economic climate in Allouez, consistent with the existing residential character of the community. Primary focus will be placed on business retention, business expansion, business recruitment, and business networking opportunities.

Historic Preservation Committee: meets quarterly (as well as intermittently if needed) the 4th Wednesday of January, April, July and October at 6:00 pm at the Allouez Village Hall. This committee is responsible for designating historic landmarks, establishing historic districts, regulating all historic landmarks and all property within each historic district to preserve the historic landmarks and property within the district and the character of the district.

Parks, Recreation & Forestry Committee: meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Allouez Village Hall if items are referred from the Village Board. This Committee is responsible for making recommendations on the Park budget and other Park and Recreation issues.

Public Works Committee: meets each month at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, the week after the 1st Village Board meeting. The committee provides oversight of the Public Works annual budget and funding for capital projects, input to operations services and long-range planning, and such other matters as requested by the Village Board.


Board of Appeals: meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:15 p.m. at the Allouez Village Hall if petitions are filed by property owners. This Board has 3 alternate members who may be asked to attend a meeting if one of the 5 regular members cannot. This Board is responsible for granting or denying variance requests if a property owner wants to build too close to the lot line.

Board of Ethics: meets on an as needed basis at the Allouez Village Hall. This Board is responsible for reviewing any ethics complaints filed with them, and reviewing the Village’s Ethics Code.

Board of Review: meets once a year at the Allouez Village Hall. This Board is responsible for making decisions on property assessment. During a revaluation, it meets more frequently. This is the only paid Board – currently $9.50/hr.


Plan Commission: meets the 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Allouez Village Hall if items are referred by the Village Board. This Committee also has 3 alternate members who may be asked to attend a meeting if one of the regular members cannot. This Committee is responsible for review of plats, changes in zoning ordinances and recommendations on zoning requests.

For more information, please contact Carrie Zittlow at 448-2800 or carrie.zittlow@villageofallouezwi.gov

2022 Senior Summer Picnic: Thursday, June 30

Thursday, June 30
Green Isle Park: 900 Greene Ave, Building A
$15 per person ages 50+
Sponsored by:  Assisted Living by Hillcrest and PRN Home Health & Therapy
This 4th annual event is presented by the Village of Allouez and Greater Green Bay YMCA. Come enjoy a relaxing evening in the Park, listen and dance to the live music by Talk of the Town (sponsored by Assisted Living By Hillcrest), or socialize with family, friends, and neighbors.
Enjoy a picnic buffet with burgers, brats, & hot dogs and all the fixings! Door prizes will be given out to all, and raffle basket tickets will be sold.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

2022 Adult Pickleball 101 Workshop

Registration is Currently Open

Take part in the up and coming game of Pickleball!!
Learn from experienced players from Packerland Pickleball Players group. Learn the basics needed to play; like positioning, scoring, conditioning, and technique. Open to anyone 18 years and older.
**Equipment will be provided for use.**
Location: Kiwanis Park (3517 East River Dr.)
Dates: Tuesday, July 12 & Thursday, July 14
Cost: $12 R/$15 NR

Robotics 2.4 Summer Camp presented by Youth Enrichment League

Robotics 2.4 Summer Build a rescue helicopter, a dragster, and a moon rover. Then program the ‘copter to fly, the dragster to race, and the rover to roam. {YEL!}’s Teach It! Practice It! Play It!® classroom method emphasizes 21st Century Learning skills like STEM, teamwork, and problem solving. Sign up today! Visit YELKids.com for more information. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or program.

Grades: Entering grades 1st-5th 

Dates: Monday, July 11-Thursday July 14

Time: 9:30am-12:30pm

Location: Allouez Village Hall (1900 Libal St.)

Register Online at: https://youthenrichmentleague.com/register