Monday, May 13, 2019

May 2019: Allouez Historic Preservation

As of yesterday, the Village of Allouez proclaims May 2019 as Allouez Historic Preservation Month.
To kick off this month of remembrance we're sharing an aerial shot of Allouez circa 1947. This photo showcases Allouez from a southwestern angle with Webster Ave running vertically and E Allouez Ave horizontally.

2019 Dance for Children with Special Needs

Registration going on now!!!
General age range: 8 and up.
This class offers stretching and strengthening exercises, general movement patterns, Brain Dance warm up, beginner ballet, jazz, & hip hop moves. It is open to special education students who love movement, dance, and music. This class will strive to improve timing, motor planning skills, balance, and coordination in a fun environment. Final performance will be Saturday, August 5 at the Miracle League closing ceremonies. 

MONDAYS June 10 – July 29, 2019
*No class 7/1!
LOCATION: Allouez Community Center
FEE: $34 R/$49 NR
TIME: 4:30pm- 5:30pm

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Allouez Seeking a Board of Review (BOR) Member

The Board of Review meets once a year at the Allouez Village Hall.
During a revaluation, it meets more frequently.
(Meeting/Hearing will be held on June 4th this year from 8 – 10 am.)
This is the only paid Board - currently $9.50/hr.
The Board of Review (BOR) is a statutorily required local board. It is a quasi-judicial (court-like) body empowered with three primary duties:
• BOR can adjust assessments when they have been proven incorrect by sworn oral testimony
• BOR can correct errors or omissions in the descriptions or computations found on the assessment roll.
• BOR can check the assessment roll for omitted property and double assessments.
For more information, please contact Debbie Baenen, Village Clerk-Treasurer at or (920)448-2800.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

2019 Spring Senior Seminars

Senior Seminar 
Join us each month to discuss and learn about various topics from the professionals.
Time:               1:00pm (Social)
                          1:10pm (Presentation)
Where:         Village Hall (1900 Libal St.)
Register:      Online:   
                           By Phone:         920.448.2804
                           In person:            1900 Libal St.
April 16: Foster Grandparent Informational Session
When: April 16
Foster Grandparent Informational Session 

Presenter: Jessica Blatz, Foster Grandparent Program Project Director at Encompass Early Education & Care
What will you learn?
If you love children and want to make a little extra income, the Foster Grandparent Program may be just the right fit for you!
A Foster Grandparent is at least 55 years of age, meets limited income guidelines are volunteers between 15-30 hours per week in an assigned classroom at an Encompass Child Care Center.
Benefits of being a Foster Grandparent include an hourly tax-free stipend (which does not affect housing or other benefits), annual paid leave, mileage or travel allowance, and, most importantly, lots of love from children. If you are interested in this program or know someone who might be, please attend this informational meeting to learn more about it!
May 14: What is the Allouez Beautification Committee and How Can I get Involved?
When: May 14
Topic: What is the Allouez Beautification Committee and How Can I get Involved
Presenter: Members of the Allouez Beautification Committee
What will you learn?
Do you like gardening and looking to get involved in the community? This senior seminar is perfect for you, stop out to learn more about the Allouez Beautification Committee and how it benefits the Village of Allouez. At the end of the seminar we will have a planting demonstration designed to help those interested learn from the professionals.