Friday, February 14, 2020

Love your Pipes: Backflow Preventers

What is a Backflow Preventer? Do you have one in your home?

Love your pipes and protect your home from messy and costly basement backups by installing or cleaning out an existing Backflow Preventer.
Find out more by watching this video! Brian & Bob from NEW Water will help you locate the device in your home and teach you about maintaining the device to prevent water from backing up into your basement.
Disclaimer: Proper PPE (personal protective equipment) should be worn, and only experienced persons or trained professionals should try this.  If in doubt, call a professional plumber to manage the process for you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sidewalk Snow & Ice Removal

1. The Village will plow the main sidewalks including Webster Avenue, Allouez Avenue, Libal Street, Hoffman Road, Riverside Drive, Greene Avenue and St. Joseph Street after snowstorms of 3” snowfall or more. The Village plows its streets at a 3” snowfall as well. Property owners must shovel after Village sidewalk snowplowing to maintain their sidewalk clear of snow and ice.
2. After each snowfall the Village plows the roundabouts, village properties, and school sidewalk routes. Village sidewalk snowplowing will be completed within 48 hours of a snowfall including weekends. Refer to the Village sidewalk snowplowing map for further information.
3. Allouez residents must shovel their sidewalk after snowstorms, and maintain their sidewalk clear of snow and ice–even if the sidewalk is first plowed by the Village. This includes Webster Avenue, Allouez Avenue, Libal Street, Hoffman Road, Riverside Drive, Greene Avenue, St. Joseph Street and School Sidewalk Routes. Residents have 48 hours after a snowstorm to complete sidewalk shoveling.
4. Because the Brown County Highway Department frequently plows large amounts of snow onto Webster Avenue, Allouez Avenue and Riverside Drive sidewalks, the Village will provide additional snowplowing of these sidewalks when the weather and snow conditions dictate more frequent snowplowing.
Non-Compliance Penalty
The Village of Allouez Policy for Sidewalk Clearing Charge for Non-Compliance is as follows:
1st Notice $50 per lot (up to 100 ft) plus $10 per each 100 ft.
2nd Notice Two times the 1st Non-Compliance Charge
3rd Notice Three times the 1st Non-Compliance Charge plus Citation for
Violation of Sidewalk Clearing