Sunday, June 13, 2021

2021 Pooches and Pints- Summer Kick-Off

Sponsored by: Allouez Animal Hospital
Date: Thursday June 17
Time: 4pm-8pm
Location: Green Isle Park

Come out and bring the whole family, even those furry four legged members, for a night at the park at our annual Pooches and Pints Summer Kick-Off event.

Sponsored by Green Bay and Allouez Animal Hospital
In partnership with Misfit Mutts
Hosted by the Village of Allouez.

This event will include:
– Pop-Up Dog Park, where your pooches can run off leash at the park in a designated fenced in area
– Live Music
– Food Trucks
– Local Breweries
– Soda

Don’t forget to bring these items with you, along with your dog!
* Human I.D. (for adult human beverages)
* Dog leash (for outside of the fenced area)
* Towels (we have small pools)
* Clean-up bags (for our four-legged messes)
* Cash (for food and drinks)

Saturday, June 12, 2021

2021 Senior Summer Picnic


Wednesday, July 7
Green Isle Pavilion- 900 Greene Ave
$13 per person ages 50+

Sponsored by: Assisted Living by Hillcrest

This 3rd annual event is presented by the Village of Allouez and Greater Green Bay YMCA. Come enjoy a relaxing evening in the Park, listen and dance to the live music by Talk of the Town (sponsored by Assisted Living By Hillcrest), or socialize with family, friends, and neighbors.

Enjoy a picnic buffet with burgers, brats, & hot dogs and all the fixings! Door prizes, sponsored by Assisted Living By Hillcrest, will be given out to all, and raffle basket tickets will be sold.

4:00 Check-in
4:30 Dinner
Dancing to follow until 7:00 p.m 


Event sponsored by: 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Renew Our Water – Power Washing


Wash water from power washing activities may contain a large amount of oil, grease, chemicals, dirt and detergents. Disposing of these materials into storm drains causes serious ecological problems and is PROHIBITED by law. You could be given a citation or fined for discharging pollutants to the storm drain system.

Link to Power Washing

Instead of pressure washing, use dry methods such as mops, brooms, rags or wire brushes to clean pavement, buildings and equipment as much as possible.

Before you start, set up sandbags or other barriers to direct wash water onto grassy or gravel areas where the water will soak into the ground instead of run off into the road.

Minimize water by using high pressure, low volume nozzles. Use the minimal amount and least toxic detergents and degreasers you will need to get the job done. Use a mop or rags to clean heavily soiled areas before power washing.

“Biodegradable” is a popular marketing term that can be misleading. Because a product is labeled as biodegradable does not mean that it is non-toxic. Some products are more toxic than others, but NONE are harmless to aquatic life. Soapy water entering the storm drain system will impact the aquatic environ-ment in our local lakes, streams and rivers.

Wash vehicles and equipment on grassy or gravel areas so that the wash water can seep into the ground. If the ground is very dry, wet

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Lawn Maintenance Reminder


With the warmer weather and sunshine comes long grass. A friendly reminder that all residents (property owners and tenants) are required to mow their lawns. All grass, hay, brambles, brush, reeds, rushes, cattails, etc. are required to be maintained and cannot exceed seven inches in length. All cuttings should be properly disposed. Thank you.

§345-3 (A) (1)

Thursday, June 3, 2021

2021 State Trail Passes Now Available

Annual State Trail Passes: $25
Passes may be purchased at Allouez Village Hall during business hours.
Passes may also be purchased online at: