Friday, April 1, 2016

Pets in Allouez Parks

The Village of Allouez Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department would like to remind all residents in Allouez of the rules and responsibilities of pet ownership.
Per Village Code 6.06 dogs and cats are not allowed within a village park or other village managed properties regardless if the pet is on or off leash.  There is one exception in the ordinance that allows dogs on the Resch Family East River Trail (and connection trails) as long as they are on the proper leash.  All pets that are not on the owner’s property must also be under the control of the owner or custodian and on a leash not more than six feet in length.

It is also the responsibility of the pet owner or custodian to immediately clean up all waste or defecation and properly dispose of it.   The person walking the pet shall have in their possession equipment or bags to properly clean up all waste generated by the animal.  Failure of a person to abide by these ordinances could result in a fine, loss of driver’s license, and /or jail time.

In general we are reminding pet owners to control and clean up after your animal because it is not only the right thing to do, but it is also the law.  For more information about animals within the Village of Allouez please read Chapter 6 of the Allouez Code of Ordinances on the Village website at

1 comment:

  1. Lucky we have the Bellevue Dog Park starting construction
