Sunday, May 30, 2021

2021 Youth Enrichment League Summer Camps

The Village of Allouez is once again partnering with Youth Enrichment Leagues to offer a variety of unique youth camps this summer.
Registration for any of the below camps can be made online at:
YEL Chess Camps
For students entering grades 1-6
Dates: June 28-July 1
Time: 9:45-12:30pm
Location: Allouez Village Hall (1900 Libal St.)
Camp Fee: $87
*Class fee includes membership for the session ($49 annual value). Battle summer brain drain...sign up today to THINK, LEARN and PLAY WELL with {YEL!}.
All levels welcome. The {YEL!} Teach It!…Practice It!...Play It! method keeps chess students progressing with 60+ chess lessons and thousands of puzzles as well as guided games and an end-of-week in-class tournament.

YEL: Junior Coding and Video Games with Scratch
For 2nd-5th grades
Camp Fee: $72
Dates: July 6-8
Time: 9:45-12:30pm
Location: Allouez Village Hall (1900 Libal St.)

STEM Video Game Enrichment for the 21st Century learner. Each {YEL!} Coding class follows four basic components:
  • Teach It!…Students learn different video game and storytelling design techniques (movement blocks, control blocks, basic animation, adding scores, etc.)
  • Code It!… Students use Scratch® to code their own story and video games. 
  • Explore It!…Students can write their own story and video game code, experiment with it and test new options. Our collaborative learning environment encourages students to learn from each other.
  • Keep It!…Students keep their stories and video games online with Scratch® and can access it and expand upon it at anytime. Sign up today to THINK, LEARN and PLAY WELL with {YEL!}
*Scratch® is an MIT created and monitored, kid-safe web interface. It uses a drag and drop programming interface to teach students of all levels coding practices. Your child will receive a Scratch user name and password so they can access their projects from any computer at anytime.

YEL Robotics 2.0 Summer Camp
For students entering 1st-5th grades
Camp Fee: $84
Date: August 2-5
Time: 1:45-4:15pm
Location: Allouez Village Hall (1900 Libal St.)

The next evolution in youth robotics is here! Build a seeing-sensing robot using LEGO® Bricks, then program it to complete unique tasks and challenges. Next, build a rescue helicopter to find animals in need of assistance and message Headquarters with status updates. Students LEARN basic engineering and computer coding concepts; BUILD multiple LEGO® Bricks projects; EXPLORE how the projects and programming complement each other; and PLAY with different building and programming options. Restrain summer brain drain, sign up today. Visit for more details.

*LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or program.

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