Monday, May 31, 2021

Allouez Summer Camp has Limited Openings

Still looking for something for your little ones to do this summer? There are limited openings in select weeks for Allouez Summer Camp. Don’t miss out on the fun!!!

Registration can be made
For questions or more information please contact Matt Hahn at:

Sunday, May 30, 2021

2021 Youth Enrichment League Summer Camps

The Village of Allouez is once again partnering with Youth Enrichment Leagues to offer a variety of unique youth camps this summer.
Registration for any of the below camps can be made online at:
YEL Chess Camps
For students entering grades 1-6
Dates: June 28-July 1
Time: 9:45-12:30pm
Location: Allouez Village Hall (1900 Libal St.)
Camp Fee: $87
*Class fee includes membership for the session ($49 annual value). Battle summer brain drain...sign up today to THINK, LEARN and PLAY WELL with {YEL!}.
All levels welcome. The {YEL!} Teach It!…Practice It!...Play It! method keeps chess students progressing with 60+ chess lessons and thousands of puzzles as well as guided games and an end-of-week in-class tournament.

YEL: Junior Coding and Video Games with Scratch
For 2nd-5th grades
Camp Fee: $72
Dates: July 6-8
Time: 9:45-12:30pm
Location: Allouez Village Hall (1900 Libal St.)

STEM Video Game Enrichment for the 21st Century learner. Each {YEL!} Coding class follows four basic components:
  • Teach It!…Students learn different video game and storytelling design techniques (movement blocks, control blocks, basic animation, adding scores, etc.)
  • Code It!… Students use Scratch® to code their own story and video games. 
  • Explore It!…Students can write their own story and video game code, experiment with it and test new options. Our collaborative learning environment encourages students to learn from each other.
  • Keep It!…Students keep their stories and video games online with Scratch® and can access it and expand upon it at anytime. Sign up today to THINK, LEARN and PLAY WELL with {YEL!}
*Scratch® is an MIT created and monitored, kid-safe web interface. It uses a drag and drop programming interface to teach students of all levels coding practices. Your child will receive a Scratch user name and password so they can access their projects from any computer at anytime.

YEL Robotics 2.0 Summer Camp
For students entering 1st-5th grades
Camp Fee: $84
Date: August 2-5
Time: 1:45-4:15pm
Location: Allouez Village Hall (1900 Libal St.)

The next evolution in youth robotics is here! Build a seeing-sensing robot using LEGO® Bricks, then program it to complete unique tasks and challenges. Next, build a rescue helicopter to find animals in need of assistance and message Headquarters with status updates. Students LEARN basic engineering and computer coding concepts; BUILD multiple LEGO® Bricks projects; EXPLORE how the projects and programming complement each other; and PLAY with different building and programming options. Restrain summer brain drain, sign up today. Visit for more details.

*LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or program.

Friday, May 28, 2021

2021 Youth Pickleball Classes

Description: Take part in the up and coming game of Pickleball. Learn from experienced players from Packerland Pickleball Players group. These classes are designed to help teach participants basic technique, fundamentals, and scoring in a fun and interactive way.
Its highly recommended to bring your own racquet, but if you don’t have one we will have some rental equipment available.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Where: Kiwanis Park
Cost: $20 Residents/$25 Non-residents
Classes Taught by experienced members of Packerland Pickleball  
  • Session 2: July 6-29
    • Ages 13 & up Class: 2pm-3:30pm
    • Ages 9-12 Class: 3:30-5pm
Program Flyer available below!
Program registration can be made:

Thursday, May 27, 2021

2021 Allouez Yoga in the Park Classes

DAY: Tuesdays 
TIME: 9am-10am 
  • Session 2: July 13-August 17
WHERE: Langlade Park
COST: $30 R/$36 NR
AGE:16 years or older
CLASSES TAUGHT BY: Sara Cruz, Registered Yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance 

This all-levels class is geared towards people with some yoga experience, but all are welcome.

Equipment needed:

Bring your own water bottle and yoga mat.

If you have any questions, please email Sarah at:


Thursday, May 13, 2021

2021 Youth Tennis Classes

Classes taught by   
Tennis Lessons are offered to teach the fundamentals of tennis in a FUN atmosphere and format. The Kids use smaller racquets, courts, and low compression tennis balls so they don’t bounce as high.
Where: Green Isle Park
Cost: $38 Residents/ $53 Non-residents

Tuesday Classes:
  • Session 2: July 20-August 17
Class Times:
Age 4-5:          9:00-10:00am
Ages 6-7:      10:00-11:00am
Ages 8-10:    11:00-12:00pm

Thursday Classes:
  • Session 2: July 22-August 19 
Tennis lessons are offered to teach the fundamentals of the life long sport of tennis for kids that haven't been exposed to the game at an earlier age.  They will start with low compression balls and move to the regular yellow ball; learning to play the game in just 5 weeks.
Ages: 11-14
Time: 9:00-10:00am
Tennis lessons are offered for the player that is entering middle school or already participates on their middle school team who knows the fundamentals of the game but wants to establish a solid tennis foundation for future school play and/or tournaments.
Ages: 11-14
Time: 10:00-11:00am
Tennis lessons for the high school JV or Varsity player that wants to work on their game during the 'off season'.  Instruction will focus on improving tennis stokes and develop singles and doubles strategy.
Ages: 14-18
Time: 11:00-12:00pm

Program registration can be made:

Noxious Weed Notice


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, as set forth in §66.0407 Wis. Stats., that a person owning, occupying or controlling land in the Village of Allouez, County of Brown, State of Wisconsin, shall destroy all noxious weeds including: Canada Thistle, Leafy Spurge, Field Bindweed, any weed designated as a noxious weed by the Department of Natural Resources by rule, and any other weed the Village Board or County Board by ordinance or resolution declares to be noxious within its respective boundaries.

Noxious Weed Helpful Info from WI DNR

Weeds shall be destroyed at a time and in a manner as will effectually prevent them from maturing to the bloom or flower stage.

If the owner fails to destroy such weeds, the Village of Allouez shall destroy or cause such weeds to be destroyed in the manner deemed to be in the most economical manner. The cost of destroying the weeds shall be charged and assessed in the manner provided by §66.0517, Wis. Stats.

James F. Rafter, Village President

Thanks to our 2021 Fox-Wolf Watershed Cleanup Volunteers


Thank you to the over 1,577 volunteers that took part in the 2021 Fox-Wolf Watershed Cleanup. These amazing volunteers picked up 7,234 lbs. of trash or 873 bags of trash. In this total included 26 tires, 33 electronics, 472 facemasks, 151 bags of recycling, and so much more. Again a huge thank you goes out to all for helping keep our water ways clean.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Curbside Placement of Carts

 As a reminder, please make sure garbage/recycling containers are placed on the driveway apron or on the grassy area immediately adjacent to the curb to allow for efficient collection of bulk, brush, waste as well as street maintenance. Village Code §432-4(A)(1b)

Monday, May 10, 2021

No Parking During Street Sweeping Operations


NO PARKING is permitted on Village streets from April 1 to November 15 from
6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

on the scheduled day for garbage pickup on that street (link to map below) to enable street sweeping curb to curb during the no-parking periods.

36th Annual Allouezfest – June 13th