Due to recent rainfall and localized flooding, this is a friendly reminder that the Village of Allouez Public Works Department has sandbags available for residents/businesses within the corporate limits of the Village of Allouez. Any citizen (residential or business) requesting the sandbags can pick them up at the Village Hall, 1900 Libal St., Green Bay, WI 54301.
The sandbags are on a first come first serve basis, with 25 bag max per parcel. The Village will be charging $1.00 per bag to cover Village expenses. Additional sandbags, up to a maximum of 200, may be requested and may be granted depending on need. Please allow 72 hours for the additional order. Any citizen (residential or business) requesting sandbags must complete a sign in sheet indicating name, address, quantity and reason for the request. The use of sandbags is a temporary redirection of water and is not a fool proof protection of property. Some uses of sandbags on private property might include placing around a window well, around a WPS power station, a lower level door jamb etc. The Village will do its best to maintain sandbag availability for Village residents and businesses, however, depending on supply, demand and Village availability; sandbags may not always be readily available. Weather dependent, this service will be discontinued on April 30th.
After the risk of flooding has occurred, those residents and businesses who received sandbags from the Village are asked to return the bags to the LeBrun Yard Waste Site (911 LeBrun St) where the resident and or business owner will be required to dump the sand from the bags in a Village designated space and place the empty bags in a garbage cart. DO NOT THROW FULL BAGS IN TRASH CONTAINERS. The sandbags are heavy and throwing them in the garbage incurs higher tipping fees at the landfill. The Village of Allouez, Department of Public Works will reuse the sand from the sandbags for street maintenance or other for other Village needs.
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