Friday, July 13, 2018

Voice your support for closing the Green Bay Correctional Institution- Sign the Petition

Are you a Brown County taxpayer and supporter of innovative, fiscally responsible strategies for state government operations? Are you an advocate for economic development opportunities in the Village of Allouez and neighboring communities?
If so, please take a moment to sign the petition in support of the decommissioning of the 120-year-old Green Bay Correctional Institution (GBCI) and the eventual sale of the 50 acres the prison currently sits on and the 14 acres between Riverside Drive and the Fox River just to the west of the GBCI property. Redevelopment could incorporate the best new concepts in mixed-use community design while retaining existing structures that have historical significance or architectural appeal. Such an approach would truly embody Allouez’s “Historically Progressive” motto for future growth.
Repurposing of the current GBCI site would require construction of a new state-operated prison, likely in rural Brown County or an adjacent county, with a facility that is privately built and owned (and therefore taxable).
Benefits to the local community and Brown County would be impressive:
1. Job creation, increased economic activity and $80m or more in new development
2. Increased tax base for the entire county
3. Additional funding to help cover necessary road and infrastructure repairs
4. To create an exciting riverfront destination that will act as a cornerstone in the Brown County area and provide the community amenities young professionals, families, and retirees are looking for today
Decommissioning would also benefit all state taxpayers by addressing myriad GBCI issues:
1. An estimated $200m in repairs and long term maintenance costs
2. Inmate count at approximately 145 percent capacity
3. Highest number of inmate-on-staff assaults in Wisconsin’s adult prisons
4. Limited space for important vocational and mental health programs
5. Substantially higher operational costs due to antiquated facility design
To sign your name in support of this petition, CLICK HERE. 
**Hard copies of the petition are also available at the Village Hall, 1900 Libal Street during regular business hours.
Would you like to help obtain signatures supporting the decommissioning of the Green Bay Correctional Institution?  CLICK HERE to print copies of the petition to obtain signatures or copies can also be picked up at the Village Hall, 1900 Libal Street.  Your assistance in collecting signatures would be greatly appreciated.

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