Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Brush Pick-Up: September 20th-23rd


Brush will be collected the week of September 20th-23rd (on your garbage day)

Brush is defined as trimmings from shrubs, trees, and stalks from garden plants (e.g., rosebush and bamboo). "Brush" does not include tree roots or root balls. Brush schedule can be found here-

Brush must be placed at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on your garbage collection day or the night before.

– Brush stacks must not exceed 8’ in length and/or 6’ in depth
– Brush must be in stacks and aligned parallel to the curb (not in the street)
– Brush must be 4’ away from any structure (mailbox, trees, cars, etc.)
– Brush cannot be commingled with loose leaves, grass or garden waste.  Brush comingled with yard waste WILL NOT be picked up. 

DO NOT obstruct the street, gutter or sidewalk and DO NOT place adjacent to power poles or hydrants.

In areas where sidewalk is adjacent to the curb, brush shall be placed behind the sidewalk in stacks aligned parallel to the sidewalk, in such a manner as to not interfere with pedestrian use of the sidewalk.

Brush cut by contractors will not be collected by the Village.

Brush can also be brought to the LeBrun Yard Waste Site located on Le Brun Street (take East River Drive south towards De Pere.  Le Brun Street is the last street in Allouez.  Turn left (east) onto Le Brun Street and follow it to the gate.).  Yard Waste Site is open 24/7.  
NOTE:  The Village hauls the brush to the Le Brun Yard Waste Site (Open 24/7) where it is chipped for use in Village playgrounds and tree planting. The chips are also made available to our residents.  In order to do this, only “clean” brush that does not contain loose leaves, grass or garden waste can be used.  Co-mingled brush needs to be disposed of resulting in additional hauling and disposal fees.  The correct placement of the brush allows for an efficient and safe collection process.  Your help in making this process work smoothly is greatly appreciated!

Correct Brush placement:

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